A co-production of Costa Compagnie with University of British Columbia (Department of Geography) and Newcastle University. In cooperation with Ballhaus Ost.
“In its multidimensional nature, “Between Worlds” creates a complex situation between intimacy and globality.”
P. Haaf reader’s review at
“But the pain is there and the piece always brings it to the surface. It forces us to look and listen. (…) So the invisible are given visibility again. (…) But that was not all: The emotional consternation from individual fates turns into a critique of the system that exposes dominant capitalist and patriarchal logics.”
T. Dagge at www.aufderbuehne.de
In their cinematic performance, Costa Compagnie explores the outsourcing of dementia care from Germany, Switzerland, North America and the United Kingdom to Northern Thailand. For this purpose, the artists together with scientists from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and Newcastle University spent three weeks researching within care facilities in Chiang Mai.
Three performers from Thailand, England and Germany now move through atmospherically dense film footage and weave the threads of the research into a multi-layered essayistic stage narrative that captures the perspectives of care-takers and care-givers, management and relatives. In the dim light of the tropical and humid mountain forest and in the shadowless light of the hospital rooms, stories of caring and loss unfold, of daily new beginnings and of what remains when forgetfulness gains the upper hand.
In German, English and Thai with German subtitles.
Performance, Text Irene Laochaisri, David Pallant, Anna Rot Camera Philine von Düszeln Stage Design, Costume Anne Horny Composition, Soundart Marcus Thomas Video Editor Stéphanie Morin VR-Video, Colorcorrection Eric Birnbaum Videomapping Erik Kundt Dramaturgy, Text Zahava Rodrigo Artistic Director, Research, Text Felix Meyer-Christian Scientific Collaboration, Research Caleb Johnston, Geraldine Pratt Translation Thailand Konkanok Phohom Production Management Franziska Merlo Assistant Stage and Costume Teresa Häußler Assistant Director Lotte Sagert
Credit Photos: Philine von Düszeln
Supported by the General Project Funding of the German Federal Cultural Foundation

Also funded by UK Economic and Social Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.